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Why eClass

eClass Education > Why eClass


Cost effective

Our courses budget is highly looked at so that learners are able to take as many courses as possible.


All our classes are designed in the same way to maintain quality and our facilitators are ready to help whether self paced or pure online courses.

Easy to use

Our trainings are done on weekly bases to ensure. We have regular trainings on weekly bases to ensure that learners are able to use our system. We also have well designed manuals for all our users


After successful completing a course you will be certified. Kindly look at course description to know what kind of certification you shall get.

Institutions, Facilitators and Trainers

Cost effective

You do not have to have your own servers, website, and elearning specialist we shall do all this for you.



All our classes are designed in the same way to maintain quality and our Team is ready to help whether to ensure that you come up with a world class online class. All our classes are designed and taught in the same way to maintain quality.

Easy to use

Our trainings are done on weekly bases to ensure that all our facilitators are fully equipped on how to facilitate an online course. We also have well designed manuals for all our users.

Unlimited space

We have unlimited server space for you


Cost effective, Easy to use and access, flexible, 24hrs support, Unlimited Space, unlimited trainings, No down times, Easy to sell and market your courses.