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eclass Free Courses

About eclass Free Courses


  • Vision Community Impact was founded in the year 2020. With its headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. It was founded for the sole purpose of impacting and empowering the community around and beyond.
  • The idea is to focus on the youths to ensure they are well aware of the necessary tools needed for progress in the technological world we live in.
  • We live to see education spread across our youths for them to be able to be future business leaders and in return empower others.
  • VCI is evolving to become a key leader in providing services, trainings and community engagements with the local government.


  • Vision Community Impact in partnership with E-class offers E-learning courses and trainings to impact the youth in various disciplines. The idea is to ensure the youths are well equipped with up to date skills that will make them better individuals in our society.


  • We target both the individuals and groups. VCI aims to ensure that the needs of both targets are duly met.


  • It will be offered for the group and for the individuals it will depend on the level of demand required.